Class X
Internet (Chap1)

1. Internet- Internet is a global network of computer networks that enables information to be exchanged.
In internet, most computers are not connected directly to the internet. Rather they are connected to smaller networks, which in turn are connected through gateways to the internet backbone.
Internet is not governed by any particular body. It is coordinated by many volunteer organizations.
2. Advantages of Internet-
• Greater access to information reduces research times.
• Useful communication links
• Global reach enables one to connect to anyone on the internet.
• Easy communication with other people.
• Publishing documents on the internet saves paper.
3. Disadvantages of Internet-
• Cyber frauds may take place involving credit/debit card numbers and details.
• Computer viruses get downloaded and spread across machines connected to networks and have detrimental effects.
• Much of the information isn’t checked and may be incorrect or irrelevant.
4. World Wide Web (WWW)- www is a set of programs, standards and protocols that allows the multimedia and hypertext files to be created, displayed and linked on the internet. A large part of the internet is the WWW. This is made up of websites that have one or more web pages.
5. Web Browser- A web browser is a www client that navigates through the WWW and display web pages.
There are two types of browsers-
1. Graphical browser:- Text, images, audio and video are retrievable through a graphical software program such as internet explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Mozilla, opera and chrome.
2. Text only browser- Lynx is a browser that provides access to the web in text only mode. In these days of graphical browsers, it may be hard to believe that Lynx was once very popular.
6. Web Server- is a WWW server that stores web documents and responds to the requests made by web browsers.
7. Website- A website is a collection of related web pages usually maintained by a single person or organization.
8. Home Page- It is the top level web page of a website. When a website is opened, its homepage is displayed.
9. Web Portal- It is a website that presents information from diverse sources. In other words, a web portal has hyperlinks to many other websites. By clicking upon these links, the corresponding websites can be opened. E.g.
10. Gateway- A gateway is a device that connects dissimilar networks.
11. URL- A location on a net server is a website. Each website has a unique address called Uniform resource locator. E.g. the website of Microsoft has an address or URL. called
a. URL stands for………..
i. Uniform resource locator
ii. Uniform research locator
iii. Uniform reform locator
b. A set of rules is called……….
i. Gateway
ii. Protocol
iii. Website
c. Common language used to create web pages is
i. Java ii. Flash iii. HTML
d. The communication protocol used by Internet is
i. TCP/IP ii. WWW iii. TTP
e. Internet is governed by
i. I&B ii. IETF iii. None of these
f Website is a collection of
i. HTML documents
ii. Graphic files
iii. All of above
Q2. Fill in the blanks-
a. HTTP stands for…………..
b. The full form of ARPANET is ……….
c. A……………is a device that connects dissimilar networks.
d. A…… a software program used for viewing various kinds of internet resources found on WWW.
e. Access protocol used on internet to access hypertext files is………..
Q3. What is internet?
Q4. Expand the following acronyms-
a. TCP/IP b. ISP c. URL d. HTTP e. HTML
Q5. Differentiate between a web browser and web server.
Q6. Explain the following terms-
a. Home page b. Web page
Q7. Write a short note on WWW?
Q8. Write two advantages and disadvantages of internet?

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