Internet (Chap1) Worksheet NO. 2

 Computer Applications
Class X

Internet (Chap1)
Q1. Multiple choice questions:-
i. Google Chrome is a
a. Web Browser b. Word processor c. News Website
ii. HTML is a
a. Package b. Software c. Markup Language
iii. The first page that you normally view at a website is its:
a. Home page b. First page c. Master page
iv. The first network that planted the seeds of Internet was
a. ARPANET b. Vnet c. Inet
v. Combination of multimedia and hyperlinks is called
a. Multi-link b. Hypertext c. Hypermedia
Q2. Name two popular search engines?
Ans2. Google, Yahoo
Q3. What is an ISP? Name one Internet service provider in India.
Ans3. An internet service provider or ISP is a company or business that
provider access to the internet and related services. In addition to
internet access they may provide a combination of services
including domain name registration and web hosting. Two major
ISP’s in India are: VSNL, Reliance.
Q4. Write five uses of Internet for students?
Ans4. 1. E learning 2. Blogging
3. E mail 4. Entertainment – Watch matches, movies
5. Play Video games
Q5. What is a website?
Ans5. Website is a collection of web pages that is stored in the web
Q6. In the URL what do the following stand for
a. http b. in
Ans6. a http- Hypertext transfer protocol
b. in- India
Sadhu singh
Computer science


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